Why Are Klapper Bits So Expensive

Sep 13, 2023 | Super Equestrian

Why Are Klapper Bits So Expensive

If you're into horses, you might have heard of Klapper Bits. They're a special type of equipment that is used for training and communicating with horses. But have you ever wondered why Klapper Bits are so expensive?

In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the high cost of Klapper Bits. We'll take a closer look at the materials used in their construction as well as the reasons why they can be so expensive, and examine their durability and maintenance requirements. 

Additionally, we'll provide guidance on whether or not Klapper Bits are a wise investment for horse owners, and help you determine whether they're the right choice for your specific needs.

So, if you're curious about this special piece of equipment, and you want to know whether it's worth the investment, then keep reading!

What materials are used to make klapper bits

If you've ever seen or heard a horse wearing a set of Klapper Bits, you might wonder what makes them produce that distinctive clacking sound. Well, the answer lies in the materials that are used to make them! 

Klapper Bits are made up of a few key components that work together to create their unique sound and feel. They are crafted from a range of materials, each chosen for its unique qualities and characteristics.

To help you understand, we've included a brief description of the entire materials, as well as discussed the quality and durability of these materials. 

Stainless Steel

  • Stainless steel is a popular choice for the klapper bits. Because it is strong, resistant to rust, and easy to maintain. This metal is often used for bits that are intended for everyday use, as it is durable and long-lasting.


  • Copper is another common material used in Klapper Bits, particularly for the rollers or discs that create the clacking sound. It is a soft metal that is gentle on the horse's mouth and can encourage relaxation and responsiveness. However, copper can be prone to tarnishing over time, which may affect the appearance of the bit.


  • Brass is a material that is sometimes used in Klapper Bits for decorative purposes. It is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is valued for its durability and resistance to tarnishing. It can add a touch of elegance to a Klapper Bit, but may not be as strong or long-lasting as stainless steel.

Sweet Iron

  • Sweet iron is a type of steel that contains a small amount of copper. This material can be used in Klapper Bits to promote salivation and softening of the horse's mouth. However, sweet iron can be prone to rusting, so it requires regular maintenance to keep it in good condition.

Regardless of the materials used, it's important to choose a Klapper Bit that is well-crafted and comfortable for the horse to wear.

Why are klapper bits prices so high?

If you've ever looked into purchasing a Klapper Bit for your horse, you may have been taken aback by the high prices. Despite their simple design, these bits can often cost a pretty penny. 

But what exactly makes Klapper Bits so expensive? Here we’ve mentioned some of the factors that contribute to the sky-high cost of Klapper bits.

  • High quality material: klapper bits have a high price due to high quality materials used to make them, such as, stainless steel, copper, brass and sweet iron. Furthermore, the cost of decorative elements or extra features like curb chains can raise the overall cost of the bit. 
  • Limited availability: Klapper bits are handmade by skilled craftsmen, which limits availability and increases production time, making them a sought-after item for horse enthusiasts.
  • Buyers demand: Klapper bits are popular in riders, especially those involved in dressage or show jumping. This demand can drive up prices, as buyers are willing to pay more for a high-quality product that they believe it  effective and necessary for their sport.
  • Manufacturing process: The manufacturing process for klapper bits is complex and requires expert craftsmen. It involves precision metalworking, welding, and finishing techniques. This level of skill and attention to detail can be costly, which can also add to the product cost.

Finally, all of these factors come together to make Klapper Bits a high-quality and unique piece of horse tack that comes at a premium price.

Are klapper bits better than other bits?

When it comes to horse bits, there are different types to choose from. One type that you may have heard of is the klapper bit. But are klapper bits better than other bits? Let's take a closer look.

There are some different types of bits with unique design and function, including snaffle bits, curb bits, and gag bits. Klapper bits are a type of gag bit which work by applying pressure to the horse's poll (the top of its head) and its mouth at the same time. 

On the other hand, Klapper bits have a unique design that includes a metal bar that runs across the horse's mouth. This bar has two rings on either end, which attach to the reins. When the rider pulls on the reins, the metal bar rotates, which applies pressure to the horse's poll and mouth.

Some riders prefer Klapper bits because they can provide more control over the horse, especially in situations where the horse is pulling or trying to run away. However, they can also be quite harsh, and some horses may not respond well to the pressure that they apply.

Should you buy klapper bits rather than other bits?

Are you in the market for a new horse bit, but unsure whether to go for a klapper bit or one of the many other types available? Making the right choice can be tricky, but there are a few key factors to consider before making your decision.

  1. Rider's skill level: Klapper bits are often recommended for more experienced riders. Those with a lighter touch and can communicate more subtly with their horse. If you are a beginner or intermediate rider, you should consider simpler bits that are easier to use.
  2. Horse’s temperament: Different horses have different temperaments and preferences when it comes to bits. Some horses may respond well to the gentle pressure and subtle cues provided by a klapper bit, while others may find it too harsh or uncomfortable.
  3. Budget: Klapper bits start with $100 and can be high at custom-made ones that can cost $500. While snaffle bits (e.g., ring or eggbutt) can cost up to $100. When deciding which type of bit to buy, consider your budget and the extra cost.  
  4. Maintenance cost: Klapper bits need to be cleaned and polished more often to prevent rust and corrosion. But this can be expensive in both time and money.  

Overall, it would be a wise decision to seek advice from an experienced rider or trainer before investing in these costly Klapper bits.

How long will klapper bits last?

If you're considering purchasing a klapper bit for your horse, you may be wondering how long you can expect it to last. Well, it depends on various factors such as how frequently it's used, the conditions it's exposed to, and so forth. Overall, a well-maintained klapper bit can last for several years.

Here are some pro-tips for proper care and maintenance of this expensive equipment that can help prolong its lifespan:

  • Rinse the bit with warm water after each use to remove any dirt, sweat, or debris that may have accumulated on it during training or competition.
  • Use mild soap to clean the bit, but avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the metal.
  • Dry the bit thoroughly after cleaning to prevent rust or corrosion.
  • Polish the bit regularly with a metal polish to maintain its shine and prevent tarnishing.
  • Store the bit in a dry, cool place when not in use, such as a padded bridle bag or a dedicated bit box.
  • Inspect the bit regularly for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, chips, or sharp edges. Replace the bit if you notice any damage that may compromise its safety or effectiveness.
  • Avoid leaving the bit on the bridle when not in use, as this can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the leather and metal.

To ensure long-lasting and safe use of a klapper bit, follow these pro-tips for proper maintenance and inspection. By doing so, you can prevent accidents or injuries during training or competition and ensure the comfort and safety of your horse.


Klapper bits are expensive due to their unique design and use of high-quality materials. Despite its sky-high price, the benefits of control and performance may justify the investment for experienced riders and trainers.

So, what do you think about Klapper bits? Please let us know in the comments below. 


Q: What type of bit is most gentle?

A: If we're talking about bits, it's important to keep in mind that they can be used gently or harshly, depending on the rider's hands. However, in general, a simple snaffle bit with a single joint is considered to be the gentlest type of bit.

Q: Is there any alternative to klapper bits?

A: There are alternatives to klapper bits, such as rubber or copper mouthpiece bits. Remember that every horse is different, so it's important to seek professional advice before changing your horse's bit.

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