Sep 16, 2023 | Super Equestrian
Horse riding is a common activity to ride on horse's back. This activity is known as equitation. If you are interested in horseback riding, you must have a good understanding about the equipment that are used in horse riding activity.
Horse riding is considered a very relaxing sport, from toddlers to old people can learn and enjoy this.Some people find recreation and relaxation through horse riding. On the other hand, it has become a means of earning and a profession for some people.
Horse riding lesson plan starts with becoming familiar with all the necessary equipment such as harnesses, halter, saddle stirrups, which are used to the horse's body for various activities. After that, taking some safety protocols such as wearing boots, helmet and safety vests can help to avoid injury in case of any accident.
Creating a strong bond plays an important role before riding.Horse riding lessons are divided into separate sections for beginner, intermediate and advanced level riders.
There is no age limit to learn horseback riding but you must follow some rules and regulations before learning. Although the work seems simple from the outside, there are some guidelines.Let's discuss the horse riding lesson plan in detail.
Horseback riding is a mentally and physically beneficial activity that can help relieve anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. It provides Vitamin D, strengthens the immune system, alleviates back pain and improves heart function.
Horseback riding also burns calories and keeps the brain fit. Spending time with animals can improve one’s mood and relieve depressive symptoms. Furthermore, serotonin, a brain hormone, can help reduce anxiety and improve mood, making horseback riding an enjoyable activity.
Horseback riding fosters a strong bond with your horse, allowing them to recognize your touch and presence. You can communicate with your horse and spend time with it by using body language. This spiritual connection can create affection for other animals as well as a beautiful bond between horse and rider, building trust and confidence.
There are a few things to consider while choosing the right trainer. If the trainer is not passionate about teaching, you can not expect to have a good learning outcome. Let's discuss some important things about choosing the right instructor:
Horse riding is not an easy task. You have to learn it from a well trained instructor. He can help you to guide the horse riding method from the basics.
The horse riding instructor should have a good leadership skill, as he has to handle the horse properly. He must be very patient and should manage any stressful situation while handling the horse.
He must have a good non verbal communication skill to communicate with the horse. If the instructor has these qualities he can teach you horse riding property.If you are looking for a good instructor you can read this article How to find a reputable horse trainer.
When you make an appointment with a doctor, what is the first thing you want to see? His specialisation field, his experience, academic qualifications, these are all? Take reviews from other patients about how the doctor treats them, right?
Just like the same way you have to select the horse riding instructor. He will teach you about the safety measures for horse riding. His teaching pattern will have a great impact on your learning. If he makes the lesson interesting and enjoyable you will easily catch the techniques.
That's why you must take his reviews from other learners. If he has a certificate from a reputable institute with good experience, he will teach you very well.
Before starting your first lesson on horse riding you have to take some preparation. You must have a good idea about the equipment to be taken before learning. Let's discuss about everything you have to consider before your first lesson:
If you are a beginner in horse riding, you must have a good understanding of the use of different horse riding equipment. Let's examine the use of those equipments:
Halter: A halter is a headgear worn by horses, typically made of leather, nylon, or rope. It's used for various purposes such as leading, tying, grooming, and handling the horse. The halter fits around the horse's head and includes a noseband and a throatlatch. Here's a breakdown of its components:
Halters are important for basic control and handling of the horse, especially when not riding, such as during grooming, feeding, and leading from one place to another.
Harness: A harness is a more complex piece of equipment used when driving horses. It's designed to distribute the weight of a cart, carriage, or other vehicle across the horse's body, allowing the horse to pull the load efficiently.
A harness consists of several components:
Harnesses are used in various activities such as carriage driving, ploughing fields, and other work where the horse needs to pull a load. They require proper fitting and adjustment to ensure the horse's comfort and safety.
Both halters and harnesses are crucial tools for interacting with and working with horses, whether for riding, driving, or other activities. They play a significant role in maintaining control, safety, and communication between the rider or driver and the horse.
Saddles: A saddle is attached on the back of the horse. If you sit on the horse's back without any saddles, you will feel pain. So, this saddle can help you have a comfortable and safe riding experience.
Stirrups: Stirrups are two ring shaped frames attached to both sides of a saddle. While sitting on a horse's back, these stirrups can hold your feet. That means, you can sit comfortably via keeping your foot on these stirrups.
Bits: Bits are incorporated into the horse's mouth. Reins give additional pressure to the bits for directing the horse during the riding.
Before starting horse riding lessons you have to be very careful about the safety protocols. You must carry some safety equipment. Let's discuss them in detail.
As you are learning horse riding. First of all you have to create a lesson plan. In this plan you must divide the whole training period in some sections from the beginning to the advanced level of horse riding. Let's discuss about the lesson plan breakdown in detail:
In the beginning of this training period you have to introduce the horse with you. There are some strategies to make yourself familiar with the horse.
You have to be very careful about approaching the horse for the first time. You can approach it from the left or right side of its face. Do not come in front of the horse suddenly. This will create a fear in its mind. It may kick you anytime. If you want to know the reasons behind the kicking you can read this article about what causes a horse to kick.
So, you must try to read the horse's mind to understand its feelings and try to keep yourself protected in front of them. If you want to know how to keep yourself safe while horse riding, watch this video on how to be safe around horses.
You can slowly keep your hands on its head or back for a few seconds. Then talk with the horse using body languages. You must try not to run if you are approaching the horse.
You can give it a food treat. Just try to communicate with it using verbal and non verbal communication skills. You must spend time with the horse via grooming, playing games, talking and using positive reinforcement.
If you want to know more about the positive reinforcement method you can read the article natural horsemanship vs positive reinforcement.While approaching the horse you must try to understand its movement and tone of the voice. Then try to respond according to its body language.
You must understand the horse's behaviour to make effective communication with them. A horse is feeling well when it brings its ears forward. If the ears are pulled back, you will understand that it is angry or upset.
If the horse is very restless or has a hot temper, it will raise or wag its tails. And when it is very scared for some reason, it will bring the tail between the legs.
You can understand a lot about a horse's mood by looking at its eyes. When it looks ahead with wide eyes, you will understand that it is thinking about what is happening around it.When you see its eyes are half closed and half open then you will understand that it is feeling very peaceful and comfortable.
A horse's movement will also tell you a lot. If you see the horse is moving back and forth repeatedly, then you will think that it is angry. If you see it standing still, you will think it is feeling relaxed.
Mounting is the process of getting up to the horse's back for horse riding. On the other hand, getting off the horse after a successful riding is called dismounting. There are some strategies for an effective mounting and dismounting. Let's discuss about them:
The proper method of mounting and dismounting a horse plays a significant role in a successful horse riding.
Always try to get up from the left side to mount on the horse's back. Now surely the question arises in the mind, is there any difficulty in getting up from the right side?
Yes… But before that you need to know which way soldiers used to mount their horses when going to war in the ancient time.
They always mount on the horse from the left. Because they kept their sword on the left side of their waist. While fighting they could easily strike with the right hand by pointing the sword at the left side. So, if you mount and dismount a horse using the left side, it might be easy and safe for you.
One of the most important aspects of horse riding is maintaining balance. You can surely understand how you will feel if you cannot keep your balance while sitting on a moving horse.
In case of horse riding, you have to do multiple tasks at the same time. You must communicate with the moving horse and give it the direction for turning, changing rein and some other work.
Similarly, you have to sit in a perfect position. You have to maintain all the tasks accurately with full concentration. So, maintaining correct posture and balance can help you to complete a successful ride.
You have to follow the basic riding techniques for maintaining a successful riding. Let's have a good understanding on the basic riding techniques:
First of all, your body must be properly aligned on the seat.Your posture should be such that your ears, shoulders, waist, and legs are in a vertical line and your body is in perfect balance with the horse.
Your concentration has to be completely on the horse. By doing this, you can easily guide the horse and maintain your body balance very easily.
There are some natural commands to give the horse proper direction. You can use your hands, legs, seat or voice to give the commands according to the need.
If you want to move forward the horse, you just squeeze its waist by using your lower legs and push the seat muscles ahead. The upper portion of your legs must be fixed in a position. When you give the command via lightly pushing the seat forward, the horse will walk.
You can use some verbal command to direct your horse. Saying "whoa" can help your horse to stop or halt. If it becomes familiar with the word "whoa" it will show response and slow down its movement accordingly.
There are some differences in the riding skills of beginner, intermediate or advanced levelled horse riders. Let's differentiate the riding skills on the basis of the training period:
There are some techniques to control the horse while trotting. Let's examine those techniques for an intermediate horse rider:
You just simply use your hands and legs in a different manner to control the horse. Besides this, you can give the horse any directional command via pulling the rein in a proper way. You can stop the trotting, just squeeze your fingers and pull the renin in a backward direction.
If the horse does not respond to the command, you can use the spur to give it the direction. Spur is a metallic tool, which is kept down the horse rider's heels of boot. You can gently push the horse via the spur and show it the right direction.
Managing reins is the main object for communicating and controlling the horse while riding. As an intermediate horse rider you must be familiar with the use of reins in different situations.
Holding the reins with your left hand and keeping the right hand on your right thigh, you have to keep your left foot on the stirrups. This way you will become comfortable to manage the reins correctly and steer the horse via effective communication with it.
After completing the beginner and intermediate level riding you can gain the advanced riding skills. Let's discuss these skills in detail.
Cantering and galloping both indicate different patterns of movement of the horse.
Cantering: While cantering, the horse goes sixteen to twenty seven kilometres per hour. Cantering is a faster running technique than the trott, so it should be performed after trotting. You can slowly introduce cantering, after a successful trotting by pushing the horse gently.
Galloping: Speed of galloping is faster than cantering. In case of galloping, the horse runs forty to forty eight kilometres per hour. You can introduce galloping, after a successful cantering.
Both of these riding skills are suitable for the advanced stage learners.
That's why you should sit on the horse keeping your shoulders and upper body straight, and the lower body should be straight along the downward direction. By following these strategies, you can easily keep the balance during cantering and galloping. If you want to know how often you should take horse riding lessons you can read this article.
Before learning advanced skills, you should keep your body fit and strengthen your muscles. Improving coordination and balance are the key requirements for becoming a successful horse rider.
You can do some arm, head and hand exercises to maintain the correct posture and balance. Horse riding practice without any stirrups can help you to relax your legs, poster and balance will be improved.
Some body twisting exercises can be helpful to improve the advanced skills as well. Ultimately the strength of your core will be better if you follow these exercises and riding patterns.
The key to perfect horse riding is all about building confidence and trust in yourself. Let's discuss some strategies to create a strong bond with your horse:
You just make a good relationship with your horse to overcome any kind of fear. You must bring some changes in your activities in front of the horse via talking to the horse, playing with it, understanding its behaviour and responding accordingly.
You can do some research about its behaviour or get this information from your instructor as well. It is very important to spend time with the horses and this way you can build a strong bond with the horse. Besides this, you must use some agility to be a good horse rider. If you want to know more about this you can read the article why is agility important in horse riding.
While doing any challenging task, you must take some safety measures to avoid any kind of accidents. These are applicable for practising horse riding as well. Let's discuss about the safety measures and etiquette in detail:
Horse is a calm and peaceful animal. As a beginner you must follow the safety rules to avoid any kind of injury. If you respect the horse, it will start liking you and will not harm you.
You must try to make your presence known to the Horse.Never try to give it any kind of surprise, they might be afraid of you and can harm you instantly.
You should stay calm and quiet while approaching the horse. At the same time, always try to be alert, so that you can protect yourself in case of any untoward incident.
There are some common etiquettes for trail riding or group horse riding. Before going for a group horse ride in a land or other places, you must take permission from the land owner, because they might have some restrictions for horse riding in that area.
As different types of horses are going to the trail, you should keep a balance with the whole group by maintaining similar speed with other horses. You must keep a considerable distance from all other horses to avoid any kind of collision.
The horse you choose for riding must be healthy, a skinny horse will not ride you properly in a group. Some horses cannot ride properly due to some problem in their body.If you want to know more about this you can read this article can you ride a horse with dropped fetlocks?
Since, there are different stages of horse riding depending on the skill level, it is important to consider your progress or the lackings while learning horse riding. So, let's discuss how to track your progress or deficiency while horse riding:
You should set a well researched plan to get the achievable goals. The plans should be written in your diary and you must try to read those plans regularly to always have the willingness and confidence.
You can put a camera near the riding area to record your horse riding video everyday. Nowadays, there are some good horse riding trackers available to track the riding progress.You can use them to monitor your riding and get the desired outcome.
Instructors of horseback riding provide their feedback regularly after monitoring the riding skills. In most cases they give the feedback via verbal technique by using their body language. They give constructive feedback if any improvement is necessary while riding.If the riding pattern is correct then the instructor provides positive feedback.
You have to take all the precautionary measures before starting horse riding, to avoid any kind of accidents and injuries. Wearing a helmet, boots and safety vests can be helpful to deal with the challenges.
Before starting horse riding, you should first make your body fit by doing different types of pre-riding exercises. Then you should take appropriate clothes for riding.You need to learn the signals to communicate with the horse and make a good relationship with your instructor.
Research has shown that a horse can support a rider weighing 20% of its body weight. Which is being discussed a lot among horse riders. Overweight riders are concerned about this.They think they have to ride a much bigger horse. In fact, there is no basis for this idea. A healthy normal horse can easily carry a person of any weight.
Horse riding seems to be a challenging task if you have no lesson plans. A suitable lesson plan will be very useful, where each topic is divided into sections according to the experience of different level riders.
What do you think after reading this article? Are you ready to take your first step into horse riding? Comment here your valuable opinion. Please share this article with anyone who wants to learn horse riding.
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