Nutrition Unveiled: Triple Crown Senior Vs. Senior Gold - Meeting Your Senior Horse's Demands!

Jan 03, 2024 | Super Equestrian

Triple Crown Senior Vs. Senior Gold

Are you looking for a horse feed or supplement that can fulfill the basic nutritional requirements of your horse and solve other physical issues? From last year I was feeling that my gelding and older mare’s nutritional requirements are not getting fulfilled. 

Then, I started giving them Triple Crown Senior-horse feed with high nutrients. After 3 to 4 weeks, I noticed that the weight of my young gelding was slightly improving. Besides that, the gelding can not eat hay or pasture because of digestive issues and dental problems. The original senior is an ideal fit for my gelding, as it provides enough fiber and is easily consumed by horses with oral health concerns.

On the other hand, the older mare with weak teeth cannot eat this horse feed properly due to its granular texture. Then I started giving it another horse feed called senior gold, which is the advanced version of triple crown senior. 

It contains a higher amount of fat and other nutrients without granular texture. You will be surprised to know that the weight of my mare increased almost 5 to 6 pounds within 2 months of taking the senior gold. 

So, what makes the Triple Crown senior different from the senior gold? And what physical concerns should you remember while picking any of these horse feeds? 

What Is Triple Crown Senior & Is it Enough for Your Horse?

What Is Triple Crown Senior & Is it Enough for Your Horse

Triple Crown Senior is a beet pulp containing horse feed. It contains a lot of beneficial ingredients that can fulfill the nutritional requirements of many horses and remove some specific physical illnesses from them.

Description of the basic feed

This horse feed contains a lot of nutritional benefits with a sufficient amount of fiber and fat content. These are highly beneficial for the horses' health and help to increase their performance in various equestrian activities.

This feed also contains a test-enhancing ingredient, which is molasses. Although it is not a good ingredient to eat, horses prefer molasses in most of their food (but it’s not always good for their health).

Suitable horses for this feed

This is a higher nutrient-containing food specially designed for horses of all ages. From young to older horses, all are suitable to take this nutritional supplement along with their regular food. Horses who are suffering from malnutrition are the primary target of this horse feed. This supplement is also suitable for those who have any kind of digestive problem or dental complications. 

These horses can not digest normal food such as hay or pasture. As a result, they suffer from deficiency or imbalance of sufficient protein, glucose, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and other micronutrients that are highly required to lead a healthy life. 

Benefits and features

Triple Crown Senior is a complete diet containing all the necessary nutrients in a balanced formula and fills the deficiency of the nutrients in a proper way. It reduces the digestive problem, supplies the essential nutrients to all the body's organs, and boosts the immune system. Since this supplement contains sufficient amounts of fat, which helps to maintain a perfect body weight. 

Click to learn more:

Neigh sayers be quiet! 5 treats that send your horses whinnying for joy

Nutritional content breakdown

It is prepared from a lot of beneficial ingredients from which your horse will get a balanced combination of seven essential nutrients. Now I would like to make you familiar with the major source of nutrients of this supplement, which remain in a greater amount. 

  • Key nutrients: vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (source of protein).
  • Shredded beet pulp: Provides digestive support 
  • Soybean oil: Develop a healthier coat
  • Rice bran: Improves horse’s performance by providing sufficient minerals
  • Alfalfa meal: Source of energy, protein, and calcium.
  • Flaxseed: Improves coat condition and skin by providing necessary vitamins and nutrients 
  • Fermentation products: Helps in digestion by breaking down the nutrients into smaller fragments. 
  • Probiotics: Contain various helpful bacteria to improve digestive health, ensure better absorption of other nutrients, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Prebiotics (Dried grains and soybean): Improves digestive function by promoting the growth of normal microbes living in the digestive tract of horses. 

What Makes Triple Crown Senior Gold Special?

What Makes Triple Crown Senior Gold Special

This feed is special due to having added advantages that are not contained in the original senior feed. So, what are the expanded features of senior gold?

Description of the performance formula

Senior gold contains a balanced combination of all the essential nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, salts, and fats. 

Suitable horses for this feed

Senior gold is specially formulated for older horses who need comparatively greater nutrients than young horses. With age, their digestive, metabolic, and other physiological functions get reduced in their body. 

Their immune system also becomes weak day by day. They become stressed when exposed to temperature. Plus their muscle movement capability is also reduced. They can take the senior gold regularly with proper amounts. 

Enhanced benefits and features

Since the nutritional contents of senior gold are in greater amounts compared to the original sensor, it provides additional benefits and features than the original one. Why are these added benefits needed? It's needed for the horses who do not consume the original senior due to having swelling issues. Moreover, their demand for certain nutrients is also increased because of the aging process and related disorders. 

So, feeding with senior gold enhances their immunity, and bone strength and improves digestive functions. Plus they can easily consume this feed with their older teeth as it is free from whole grains. 

Nutritional content breakdown

All these nutrients of original senior feed remain in an extensive amount to this senior gold. Amino acids, calories, fiber, electrolytes (salts), prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals all are abundant here. It contains more calories and less starch than the original. Additionally, a gastric buffer system makes this feed easily digestible. 

What Makes Senior Different from Senior Gold?

What Makes Senior Different from Senior Gold

Basically, the variation in the nutrient content makes the senior different from the senior gold. So, how much variation is found? 

Essential FactorTriple Crown SeniorSenior Gold
Calorie content1546 calories per pound1800 calories per pound
Fat content10%12%
Digestive supportBetterSuperior 
Feeding rates variationBased on the calorie requirement, you can provide around 5 to 6 pounds of feed per dayNot more than 6 pounds per day as the calorie density is higher than the original.

How Do I Choose Between Senior and Senior Gold?

How Do I Choose Between Senior and Senior Gold

You must evaluate certain factors about your horse before purchasing any of the two supplements. What would be those special considerations?

Age and activity level of the horse

In the case of a young horse with nutritional deficiency and digestive problems, you can use the original senior. If the horse is older enough and remains in a stressful condition go for senior gold. 

Considerations for dental health

If the young horses have any dental problems, the origin or would be ideal for them. For elderly horses with nutritional deficiencies and weaker teeth, the senior gold would be perfect as it contains higher amounts of nutrients and fats. 

Implications for weight management

If you are dealing with an underweight young horse try the original senior first. If the weight problem does not become resolved try the senior gold version due to its added calorie. 

Always try the original version first in case of severe weight loss, then gradually increase the amount of nutrients by including the senior gold one. In the case of weight management to elderly horses, you can directly try the senior gold version because they may not eat the original version because of having weaker teeth. 

Watch this video to check the dental condition of your horse: A safe way to check your horse for some teeth issues.

Budget differences between feeds

The senior gold version is more expensive than the original senior one. If you have budget issues you can try the original senior feed for both of the horses. But if your horse is picky enough in the case of eating any food, try to switch the feed. 

If the horse finds difficulty when eating the original senior and you can not purchase the senior gold due to budget issues, what can you do? 

  • Extra Trick: First grind the senior feed and make a thick paste with water before feeding it to older horses. Now your horse can easily swallow this without any difficulty. 

Which Feed Suits My Senior Horse Best?

You already know that I have tried both the original and gold versions of the Triple Crown Senior for my horses. Since the senior horse has weaker teeth, that's why I am providing it with the senior gold feed. Hope our small discussion may help you to choose the perfect supplemental feed for your horse. 

Still, if you have any confusion, feel free to comment. We will guide you to choose the right horse feed for your equine partner. And remember to share this discussion to those who are facing problems in choosing the correct feed for their horses.

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