Pasture Pro Vs. Grazon: Horse-Friendly Herbicide With Better Pasture Maintenance

Jan 03, 2024 | Super Equestrian


Are you looking for a herbicide that would be ideal for your horse pasture maintenance without harming the horses? 

Pasture Pro or Grazon, which one would fulfill your needs? A few days ago, I went to the herbicide shop and found my uncle and his neighbor talking about the effectiveness of Pasture Pro and Grazon. 

My uncle has been using Pasture Pro for the last five years to control the weeds. And it works well. Recently he has been facing some issues with woody plants in his pasture but in this case, his previous herbicide is not showing the desired results. It only destroys some specific woody plants but not all. 

That's why he wants to purchase the grazon for his pasture. 

On the other hand, my uncle's neighbor has been using Grazon for a year and still hasn't faced any issues and he is completely satisfied with this. But recently he noticed some of the essential plants are getting destroyed after applying the grazon, so he wants to purchase the Pasture Pro to get relief from this problem. 

These two herbicides are used for two different purposes. So, what makes these two herbicides differ from each other, and which one would be perfect for you?

Understanding the role of herbicide for horse pasture

Do you know why herbicide is important for horse pastures? Herbicide is used to control the unwanted weeds that grow in the pasture and cause harm to your equine companion in various ways. 

What are Pasture Pro and Grazon?

Both Pasture Pro and Grazon are two popular herbicides used in horse pasture maintenance. Pasture Pro works by controlling broadleaf weeds. On the other hand, Grazon helps to reduce the growth of woody plants along with some specific weed control activity. 

Both of them contain two different types of active ingredients and their performance and weed-controlling strategy are different from each other. So, you have to understand when you need Pasture Pro or Grazon according to your specific requirements.

What are Pasture Pro and Grazon

What is the importance of selecting the right herbicide for horse pastures?

Herbicide plays a great role in the maintenance of horse pastures by removing the weeds. What happens if you do not remove the weeds from the pasture? 

Before that, you have to understand what exactly weeds are. Weeds are wild plants that grow continuously in your pasture and increase in number if you do not remove them. But the problem is, they take the essential nutrients from the soil and interfere with the growth of grass. When grazing your horse needs to eat the grass. 

What is the importance of selecting the right herbicide for horse pastures

If the pasture is full of weeds where will your horse get the grass for eating? If you do not remove the weeds from the pasture, it becomes dry with time. When your horse eats the dried weed, it will cause serious harm to its health. 

But it might be tough to remove the weeds by hand as the number of weeds is high. So, you have to use a good herbicide that can effectively destroy the unwanted weeds. Just remember: the herbicide should be safe for your horse. It should not cause any harm to your horse’s health if it grazes in the pasture after spraying the herbicide.

What is the importance of selecting the right herbicide for horse pastures

Pasture Pro: How Does Pasture Pro Work on Weeds?

Pasture Pro has special features that play a great role in weed control. Before purchasing, you must know about some important aspects of it.

How does this herbicide work on horse pasture?

This herbicide kills more than a hundred broadleaf weeds and certain brush in pastures such as wild roses, buck brush, thistles, dandelion, poison ivy, and clover. One gallon of Pasture Pro solution is enough to serve up to four acres of horse pasture. 

Don't finish a whole gallon of herbicide at once after hearing this...joking apart!

Add 30 mL of Pasture Pro solution to 1 gallon of water and mix with gentle shaking. Spray properly from the roots to the leaf to get the best result of weed-killing.

Pasture Pro: How Does Pasture Pro Work on Weeds

Are there any potential toxicities of it?

In some recent studies, it has been found that Pasture Pro contains cancer-causing elements in its active ingredient. So, you have to take special care (wearing gloves, mask, safety goggles, and other personal protective equipment) when spraying this herbicide. Make sure to keep your horses away from the pasture during application.

Are there any potential toxicities of it

What is the duration of weed control after using this?

Within a month of using you will get the desired results for some weeds. Broadleaf weeds will be removed within two weeks of application. But if your pasture contains a mixture of different kinds of weeds, you must increase the frequency of spraying. 

But never re-apply within a month of your first application. That means you have to reapply the herbicide every month in case of certain weeds. You can spray this herbicide in the summer to get the best result, which ultimately increases the duration of its action. 

Grazon: A Comprehensive Overview

You have to follow some important guidelines for using this herbicide. Although it is very popular, its proper use will give you the desired results.

What is the mode of action of Grazon in horse pasture?

Grazon kills weeds and a range of woody plants from the pasture effectively such as broom, gross, blackberry, old man's beard, fennel, and lupin. It works by weakening the roots of the weeds, inhibiting the growth of leaves, and drying the stem (part of a plant that holds or supports the leaves and flowers). 

As a result, the roots become lighter in weight and ultimately can not grow again. You have to add 6 mL of grazon solution with 1 liter of water and mix with gentle shaking. As an alternative, 2 teaspoons (1 teaspoon contains approximately 5 mL) of grazon is enough for 1 gallon of water.

What is the mode of action of Grazon in horse pasture

How long does weed control last after applying this?

It depends on the characteristics of the weed species and the herbicide application process. You may get the weed-controlling benefit within a few weeks to a month. 

Sometimes it may take a few more months to see the results. If you apply Grazon in the correct quantity in a proper way, you will get up to two years of weed control benefits. 

How long does weed control last after applying this

Besides, you don't need to apply frequent spraying as it has a long residual activity (higher duration of action).

Are there any requirements for taking special care when spraying grazon? 

When spraying Grazon, you must read the guidelines of the herbicide label and follow the instructions to apply the herbicide correctly. Wear personal protective equipment during spraying. Try to protect yourself from exposure to this herbicide. 

On the herbicide label, you will get some specific grazing restrictions that you need to follow after spraying the herbicide. In the case of Pasture Pro, horses can graze immediately when the spray gets dried. But Grazon has a grazing restriction for a long period. 

So, you have to take some precautions before applying any kind of herbicide. In the case of Grazon, you must keep your horses away from the pasture at least for a week.

Pasture Pro Vs Grazon: What's the difference?

Although both Pasture Pro and Grazon work well to control the weeds, you have to know the insights of these two, before purchasing any of them. 

Key FactorsPasture ProGrazon
Active Ingredients (Primary ingredients that remain in higher quantity than other ingredients)2,4-D diethanolamine salt 16.3%, 2,4-D dimethylamine salt 33.2%-Triclopyr 300 g/LPicloram 100 g/L and Aminopyralid 8 g/L
Selectivity(Selective) only destroys the weeds and certain brush (woody plants)(Non-selective) destroys both weeds and a broad range of plants used to produce wood. 
Spectrum of activitiesTarget pests of biennial (plants that live up to 2 years), perennial(plants that live more than two years), and annual weeds (plants that live up to one year)A broad spectrum of activity (Target pests of  a wide range of weeds)
Type of formulationLiquidLiquid or granule (small particle)
Timing of applicationAny stages of weed growthRecommended to apply at that stage, when weed starts growing actively.
Requirement of frequent applicationYesNo
SafetySmall fluctuations of measurement will not be harmful. But it's safe to keep the horses away during application.A proper application rate has to follow, otherwise, it would be harmful for horses when grazing.
Herbicide availabilityWidely availableLess available in certain regions

Choosing the right herbicide

When choosing the herbicide you have to focus on some specific factors. Considering user experience, horses' well-being, and better weed-controlling activity, you can select the herbicide that would be right for you. 

Which herbicide will you choose based on your specific needs and considering the user experience?

  • Specific needs: If you just want to remove some specific weeds from the pasture without removing other plants, you can use Pasture Pro. On the other hand, if you want to remove a broad range of weeds with other excess plants near the grass, you can use Grazon. Sometimes, you may not understand which herbicide would be suitable for your horse pasture. In that case, a reliable horse specialist can guide you to understand your requirements. 
  • Horse's health: Both Pasture Pro and Grazon will not cause any harm to your horse's health if you follow the labeled instructions properly.
  • User experience: Most horse enthusiasts like both Pasture Pro and Grazon for their horse pasture. Both of them can fulfill the users' requirements. According to the review of some users, Grazon may not work for deep-rooted plants such as docks. In that case, Pasture Pro may work well. Although Grazon is quite expensive than the Pasture Pro, it doesn't need frequent applications like the Pasture Pro. Yearly 1 to 2 times of application is enough for controlling weeds. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is it safe for horses to eat grass treated with herbicide? 

Herbicide-treated grass is not hazardous for horses to eat after completing the grazing restriction period. But if your horse has any gastrointestinal issues (problems in digestion) you should consult with a veterinarian before giving that grass.

Does grazon cause any harm to pregnant horses?

According to the user's review, it doesn't cause any harm to pregnant horses. Still, you should keep your horses away from the pasture during this period of pregnancy.

To Sum Up

In the case of selecting a herbicide in horse accessories  for horse pasture maintenance, the most important thing is to prioritize the wellbeing of your horses. Both Pasture Pro and Grazon are two good quality herbicides and safe for horses, if you follow some instructions during using them. 

In our small discussion we have tried to provide you a clear explanation about when to use Pasture Pro and Grazon based on some factors. If you find this discussion useful, share it with those who are struggling to choose a suitable herbicide for their horse pasture. 

We’d love to hear your opinions- feel free to comment on our discussion. 

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