What Do Wild Horses Eat- Can They Only Survive on a Vegan Diet?

Oct 07, 2024 | Super Equestrian

Last summer, I went hiking in the mountains with some of my friends. At one point, we saw a group of wild horses coming from the nearby forest. I became so curious after seeing them. And instantly some thoughts were going through my mind. I wanted to know what wild horses eat. We see this beautiful animal run through forests and open fields. But what do they eat to keep themselves strong and healthy without anyone's help? 

Most of you might know tWhat Do Wild Horses Eat- Can They Only Survive on a Vegan Diet?hat wild horses eat only grass. But it’s not enough to understand their eating habits. They keep the ecosystem in order without human intervention. But how can they do this? They don't even have a food store nearby. It's like how you’d do if you were stuck on an island.

If you think abouWhat Do Wild Horses Eat- Can They Only Survive on a Vegan Diet?t how these horses eat in the wild and stay active, you are in the right place. We are going to explore the world of wild horses and what they really eat.


Why are wild horses different from feral and domesticated horses?

There are some interesting facts about wild horses that most equine enthusiasts do not know. It's important to know the differences between wild, feral, and domesticated horses. 

  • Wild horses are known for their free-roaming behavior. There are some horses who entered the wild after escaping from ranch or farm work. Most wild horses become rare and some of them are endangered. A few of them are left in the world. 
  • Original wild-type horses are brownish-yellow in color. They have black manes and tails that are so stiff. They have short necks and big-sized heads. These horses are thirteen hands tall. Przewalski’s horses are one of the most popular real wild horses. Other horses that you think are wild, are not actually wild. They are feral type horses and they prefer to stay in groups. That's why people can not properly differentiate wild horses with the feral types.
  • If you see horses confined in a fenced area, they are likely to be domestic horses. People generally do not care for feral horses. That's why they are less pretty than domestic horses. 
  • Domestic horses are easy to control. If you can approach them properly, they will come closer to you. On the other hand, wild horses have a common tendency to run out if someone tries to approach them. However, if you train the wild horses properly, they may become domesticated. You just need to provide special care to them.


How do wild horses eat differently than domestic horses?

Wild horses mostly eat grass. But they do not only take grasses and oats. They also eat a variety of plant substances like shrubs, vines, leaves, twigs, fruits, and branches. Domestic horses take a diverse range of foods along with grass and plant materials. We can provide them with the nutrients according to their needs. But how do wild horses fulfill their nutritional requirements by themselves? Wild horses graze near their natural habitat and collect food from large areas. Their feeding behavior is different due to the availability of food sources.


How is the diverse diet of wild horses important for their well-being?

The constant grazing habits of wild horses play a unique role in their diet. It helps improve their digestive function and dental health. Plus it has a great impact on the ecosystem. Since wild horses eat different types of plant species from the environment, they keep a good balance of various plant species in their habitat. They make the ecosystem healthier by promoting a balanced biodiversity. Because of consuming various plants, they prevent the overgrowth of certain plants. Eating such plants helps them get enough nutrients needed for their body. 


What are the eating habits of wild horses?

Wild horses adapt diverse eating habits according to environmental conditions and seasonal changes. They used to follow some strategies to collect their food in different seasons. As they live in different environments like deserts, forests, or plains, their food habits change with environmental variation.


What do they eat in the winter?

They usually eat woody plants to survive the harsh weather of winter. Dried leaves and tree bark are such food that they prefer to have in winter. They use a special technique called “cratering” to collect food under the snow. They dig the snow by using their feet to find dormant grass and other plants that are still alive. 


How do they survive in the desert?

In spring and summer, wild horses graze on fresh green plants and grasses. In fall and winter, they depend much on dried plants to fulfill their eating needs. Wild horses survive in the desert by consuming desert-adapted substances. These include prickly pear cactus, shrubs, and hardy grass. This way they get moisture and food at the same time. They can dig in dry riverbeds to get closer to water sources. 


How much water do they consume per day?

Wild horses collect their drinking water from natural sources like rivers, ponds, or lakes. However, domestic horses have to depend on their owner or caretakers to get free and constant access to clean water. They take a substantial amount of water, often between five to ten gallons per day. When the weather conditions are dry, they dig wells in riverbeds to collect water. Wild horses prefer to live near various water sources. But if you want to domesticate the wild horse, you can set up a water tank in the ground. This will help them drink water. 


Is it necessary to feed your horse in ways similar to wild horses?

If you are confused about choosing the required feed for your horse, no problem. You can take ideas from wild horses' regular diet. It will help you take the best care of your horses

  • As wild horses pass their day in long hours grazing, they eat multiple times in small quantities. You can follow this strategy to feed your horse. Use a wide feeder if your horse eats too fast and spread out the meal over it. 
  • Keep some big-sized rocks in the feeder. This will help your horse to get all the feed easily. 
  • Try to feed them in the ground by using a rubber feeder. It will be easier to take grain, supplements, hay, and hay pellets from the ground-level feeder.
  • Wild horses are always involved in the movement. That's why they eat frequently all day and stay active. Try to keep your horse involved in different exercises and physical activities. 
  • You can keep them in the pasture with other horses. If you can not manage this, arrange a regular work program or daily turnout. 

In conclusion 

Domestic horses do not get as much access to grazing as the wild horses. So, the eating patterns of both these horses are not similar. Plus they do not always eat the same types of food. However, you can apply the eating strategy and skills of wild horses to feed your own horses. It's important to support the natural dietary habits and physiological requirements of domesticated horses. 

This is the main reason why most horse enthusiasts are interested in knowing about wild horses. If you are one of them, I hope our mini-discussion will be helpful for you and other horse owners. So, feel free to spread the information to your community. You can also share your observations or queries about wild horses in the comment section. Let's learn together about the diet of wild horses.  

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