Must Have Horse Trailer Accessories: for Your Safety & Comfort

Oct 19, 2023 | Super Equestrian

Must Have Horse Trailer Accessories: for Your Safety & Comfort

Suppose, you started riding horses almost a year ago. Recently you are planning to go to a huge ocean shore for a weakened trail ride with your family members. So, you have bought a horse trailer to carry your horses along with you. 

But you need to organize the trailer with the must-have accessories that will bring safety and comfort to your long-distance travel. As you are a beginner, you have no idea what would be the necessary accessories for the trailer. 

Now, we can assure you that you don't need to worry anymore. We have come up with this very informative article to make your travel safe and enjoyable. By reading this article you will be able to explore all the must-have horse trailer accessories for your safety and comfort.

What are some common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners?

Horse trailer accessories are the necessary equipment or additional supplements that are highly required in the horse trailer when you need to move somewhere along with your horses. 

Let's discuss all the essential stuff you need to carry in a horse trailer for safe and convenient horse transportation.

  • Water system: It is very important to ensure sufficient drinking water for your horses so that they do not feel dehydrated. Normally they drink six to eight gallons of water in a day, which may extend up to fifteen gallons in the summer season and when the weather is extremely hot. 
  • Slosh-proof water bucket: This type of bucket allows the horses to drink water easily.
  • Wood chips: Spread a large amount of wood chips on the horse trailer's floor, so that when the horse urinates, the wood chips can absorb the urine, preventing the horse from falling down and getting hurt.
  • Trailer mats: You can use trailer mats on the horse trailer floor in place of wood chips. Both will provide the same function such as absorbing the wastes to protect the horses from falling down accidentally. If you are looking for a budget-friendly option to obtain this cushioning effect for your horse, you can go for wood chips. Otherwise, trailer mats will be more durable and you can reuse them by regular cleaning. 
  • Mat movers: It is used to pull the horse trailer mat outwards from the trailer for cleaning purposes.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Lights: It is helpful for you to easily observe your horse's movement from time to time in the trailer. Horses also feel much more comfortable in the presence of light because they can move comfortably without having collisions with other horses or any equipment. 
  • Fans: Provide sufficient airflow to the trailer when the environment temperature is high. 
  • Heater: When the temperature of the environment is cold enough, a heater brings comfort to the horses.
  • Roof vents: Provide more ventilation efficiency by minimizing moisture accumulation in the trailer.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Camera: By using the trailer camera you can easily monitor your horse's movement from outside as you can connect the camera to your cell phone. 
  • Wheel wrench: It is used when a horse trailer tire gets punctured in the middle of the road and by using this tool you can replace a new tire in place of the old one.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Trailer jack: It is used to lift the horse trailer when you need to change the punctured tire or do other activities.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Fire extinguisher: If a small fire rises accidentally in the horse trailer, this equipment is used to control the fire immediately. It is basically used as an emergency fire protectant. In case of a big fire burning, the arrival of the fire service team is required. 
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Backup Battery: This type of battery contains electricity. You may be allowed to turn on the light, fans, and other electronic items as needed during travel via this backup battery.
  • Medical kits or first aid box: This box contains all the necessary first aid supplies for handling emergency medical situations if any accident occurs during travel.
  • Mounting block: If someone in your family feels that their weight is slightly higher, they can easily mount on the horse with the help of the mounting block. Read this article to learn how to mount a horse if you are overweight
  • Horse trailer ramp: Horses can easily enter the trailer and exit the same by walking over the ramp. Without using any trailer ramp, horses can accidentally fall and get injured when entering or exiting the trailer.
  • Stall partition: When travelling in a trailer with more than one horse, sometimes you may find that the horses are pushing or kicking each other, resulting in injuries. To avoid such situations, arrange some stall partitions or dividers to make a safe trip. 
  • Hooks and hangers: Used to hang the water bucket, hay bags, or other equipment for the convenience of the horses. 
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Hay bags or hay nets: These types of bags or nets are very useful to feed your horses when travelling. The horse eats food by inserting its mouth through the holes of the bag or net. Due to the special characteristics of these bags or nets, foods do not fall down. 
  • Horse trailer tie rings: It is a very important accessory for horses to maintain their body balance while travelling. Insert the tie rings into the trailer wall and connect a lead rope with it, which will protect the horses from moving or falling down due to the trailer jerking. Because of this tie ring, they will stay in a fixed position on the trailer.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Blanket bar: Used to hold the blanket in the correct way. You can hang the blanket by using a hanger or hook as well.
  • Hitch lock: This will help secure the trailer accessories while you are out riding with the horse. You can set an alarm on this hitch lock to be alerted if someone tries to break the lock.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners
  • Cover for horse trailer: Once the horses are out, mask them with a suitable covering material to prevent dirt or dust from accumulating in the trailer.
  • Organizer to keep additional equipment: You should arrange a perfect size organizer for your essential riding equipment or other basic things. Choose the organizer size based on the amount of accessories you have.
Common horse-friendly trailer accessories for beginners

How do you ensure horse comfort when choosing accessories for your horse trailer?

Imagine, you are travelling anywhere in a private car, which is very narrow in size and you cannot move freely while sitting, then will you feel body pain or discomfort?

Yes, you will feel very uncomfortable throughout the journey and you will get sick after reaching your destination. The same thing can happen in the case of your horse as well. 

How do you ensure horse comfort when choosing accessories for your horse trailer

Unlike human beings, horses have some essential equipment for their comfort and safety while travelling from one place to another. 

So, you must ensure your equine partners' comfort by carrying all the essential stuff in an organized manner into the horse trailer to use them immediately when needed.

If you do not select a good ventilation system for the trailer, the horses cannot breathe properly because the warm and humid air inside the trailer does not move outside. 

In this situation the horses find it very difficult to survive there, that's why you need to choose a perfect-sized ventilation system to maintain adequate airflow into the horse trailer. So, you must select the accessories considering the quality with proper research and correct justification. 

What are the tips you should follow while selecting the horse trailer accessories?

The first and most important tip before talking about accessories is that you need to purchase a horse trailer according to the number of your horses. 

If you have one or two horses you can choose a medium-sized horse trailer but if the number increases you must go for a big-sized horse trailer considering your horse's comfort. Now, let's jump into the tips you should follow when selecting the accessories.

  • You can consider the budget issues to purchase the fundamental equipment, but never compromise with the quality. If the quality of the accessories is not so good, you need to spend more money to repair or repurchase the equipment in the future. So, keeping this in mind, purchase all the accessories with high quality, which may take a bit more money than your budget, but later, you don't have to worry about the equipment getting damaged quickly.
  • Always keep focus on your horse's comfort. Do not purchase any equipment which may cause harm or discomfort to the horse. 
  • Purchase the fundamental things that match the size of your horse trailer, otherwise, the trailer will be full of accessories and horses will feel very uncomfortable staying in this congested area.

If you feel any kind of difficulties when selecting the horse trailer accessories considering the size of the trailer and horse comfort, get help from a professional horse trainer who can assist you in the best possible way. 

Read this article to learn how to find a reputable horse trainer.

How do you clean and maintain the horse trailer accessories?

Cleaning the horse trailer accessories is very important to maintain a healthy environment for the horses and to reduce the chances of having any accidents while travelling. Let's examine the strategies for cleaning and maintenance of the horse trailer equipment in detail:

  • At first, you should pull outside all the horses carefully and empty the trailer.
  • Bring out floor mats, blankets, and trailer covers and shake them to remove dust. Rinse with water if necessary and allow to dry.
  • Check if there is a fuse in the bulbs of the trailer or whether the heater and fan are running properly or not.
  • Clean all the equipment by using a brush or sponge to remove dust and debris from them.
  • Sweep the floor of the trailer and mop it nicely. 
  • Iron accessories and corners of horse trailer roofs often rust due to moisture accumulation, regular checking of these accessories is important for immediate maintenance of such problems. Read this article to learn the strategies for horse trailer roof replacement and restoration. 
  • Check if all the safety systems are properly working or not. Suppose, the fire extinguisher inside the trailer is not working, if the trailer catches fire while travelling how can you extinguish it? Serious accidents will happen which you cannot even imagine. So, check the safety accessories very well to ensure they will work properly when required. 
  • If there are any punctured tires inside the trailer, you must replace them with good tires. 

In Conclusion

Horse trailer accessories are very essential while travelling far away with your beloved horses. You might face any kind of difficulties midway while travelling, as a precautionary measure you should carry the fundamental horse trailer accessories to make your travelling enjoyable. 

In this article, we have explained all the necessary equipment of a horse trailer, without which you can not think of a long distance travelling. 

If you have any opinion about this topic, you can comment and please share this article with those who are truly searching for the must-have horse trailer accessories to obtain stress-free travel with their loving majestic creatures.

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