What Is The Temperament Of A Friesian Horse? Facts You Must Know

Nov 05, 2023 | Super Equestrian

What Is The Temperament Of A Friesian Horse

Suppose, you were passing by a wide green pasture and suddenly your eyes were caught by a strangely beautiful creature, thick black mane, shiny black body, trotting forward in a royal gait like the true black beauty of the story! Yes, you guessed right !! A Friesian Stallion !

Friesian horses, also acquainted as the most handsome horses around the world. This stallion is overly famous for their blazing black coats, dark expensive long mane and tail as well as their elegant structure. They are much taller and have a muscular, athletic body.

The Friesian are known for their friendly demeanor and calm temperament. They are gentle, affectionate, inclined learners and keen to satisfy their owner. Friesians can be easily trained and have an excellent temperament for any experienced or novice rider.

In this article, we’ll reveal this wondrous creature’s history, including breed characteristics, their habitude and all the training and handling way for friesian horses. Whether you are a nous horse professional, a spick and span horse owner or simply interested in friesians , this blog will help you to learn more about them and consider them as your companion.

So, let's take a journey to the friesian world and get ready to be astounded by these fascinating facts about this Black Beauty !

History and Background Of Friesian Horses

Birth of a Beauty

Most people get confused about the Friesian horse's origin when they first see this amazing creature. Some people think that Friesians are descented of arabian or spanish origin. But these breeds are born in the region of Friesland, northern part of the Netherlands. 

Since the middle ages, friesian horses usually were used as war horses as well as for agriculture work. Unfortunately in the 16th century, this breed almost became extinct. But luckily they were reintroduced in the 19th century through genetic manipulation.

Since then, Friesian horses have become exoteric for their traditional riding, carriage driving and as show performers. They also gained popularity for their elegance, intelligence and most importantly their versatility in different sport disciplines. such as trail driving, dressage, showing and especially in western riding.

In recent years, this astonishing breed has also become the center of attention  in the entertainment industry, with appearances in several films, videos, documentaries and stage productions. Sounds like a famous celebrity!!

Characteristics of the breed

Although the friesian horse has an unparalleled history and heritage, they are mainly famous for their remarkable characteristics such as their shiny black coats, thick and long mane, prominent feathers on legs as well as strong and elegant structure. Besides, there are also some rare cases like chestnut friesians.  

They are usually gentle and graceful horses. Besides, these breeds are intelligent and willing to obey their owner. Overall Friesian horses have a well-balanced body and strong work capability which make them suitable for different sports like driving, riding, showing, and so on.

Despite any uncertainty, this amazing creature is a popular and cherished breed, valued for their beauty, strong and powerful athletic physique, in addition to versatility in disciplines.  

It is impossible to describe these beautiful mammals in a few lines! So if you are interested in Friesian horses and want to learn more about them, go to this website Friesian Horse. You can also watch this video Documentary of Friesian Horse

The Friesian Horse Temperament

Before we know about the friesian horse temperament, let's talk about what temperament actually means. Temperament refers to the natural characteristics of animals or other living beings that influence their behavior. For example some horses can easily adapt to their surroundings or become friendly with human beings. On the other hand some horses are really aggressive and stubborn which can be difficult to control at times. 

But our Friesian horses are a really gentle, friendly and calm temperament breed. Here we’ve mentioned some of their nature for having a clear understanding of friesian horses.

  • Affectionate and loyal: Friesian horses are indeed loyal animals and affectionate as well. If you take good care of them and develop a strong relationship, it will establish an emotional bond between you and your horses. Just like having a best buddy!
  • Intelligent and willing to learn: They are highly intelligent and eager to learn the techniques of any sport or show. Aside from that, friesian horses are always keen to please their owner through their activity.
  • Can be sensitive and high-strung: Despite being gentle and calm, some breeds are high-strung and sensitive that makes it too difficult and challenging to control them. They can easily agitate and over-respond to stimuli. However, if you are just starting out friesian horses might not be a good choice for you at all
  • Excellent for both experienced and novice riders: As friesian horses have excellent temperament and can be easily trained, it is a positive aspect for both experienced and novice riders. Furthermore, they have potential work capability and well-balanced structure that makes them highly suitable for any equestrian show or sports.  

Training and Handling Way For Friesian Horses

Although Friesian horses are the most beautiful and magnificent animals, sometimes it can be challenging for us to handle or train them properly. Because they can be sensitive or high-strung often due to improper handling or past trauma. So as a horse keeper, we need to focus on their proper care and training. Therefore, thinking of your convenience and horses' well-being we talked about some strategies that can help you in training sessions.

  1. Importance of proper training and handling: Having proper training and handling is essential for developing a friesian horse’s temperament. Because well-trained horses can be easy to handle and ride. Also makes them more obedient and calm allowing them to show great performance as desired.   
  2. Techniques for training and handling a Friesian horse: You can follow some techniques while training a friesian horse such as -
  • Support them positively: after training or exercise, treat your horses with a nice reward, praise them and don't forget to pet them because this will create a positive environment while training and develop their nature and behavior. 
  • Overcome their fear: If your horses have any bad experience in the past, then it will be difficult for you to train them. So gradually expose them to new manners and commands with a friendly attitude. 
  • Develop strong communication and understanding: Developing a well-understanding and communication is a vital step of every training procedure. It helps to build trust, affection, confidence and make them keen to learn.
  • Do plenty of exercise: Do some exercise like riding, leading, balancing to make them more familiar with your command and training environment which will also aid to develop their temperament. 

3. Tips for managing the high-strung and sensitive nature of the breed: Here some tips that will help you to manage their high-strung and sensitive behavior

  • Maintain an everyday routine: Make sure you keep up with their regular grooming, feeding and exercise. That will improve their sensitive nature. 
  • Avoid any negative attitude: Any type of negative behavior can easily cause animals to become scared and anxious. Friesian are no exception. So remember to avoid harmful activity like excessive whipping or shouting.
  • Provide them a safe surrounding:  It is crucial to provide a secure place for friesian horses as they are highly sensitive. And if you provide one, it will help to reduce their tendency to overreact to stimuli.
  • Allow them to take rest: And yes, don't forget to allow them to have a peaceful relaxing time. It is not only necessary for a rider but also for our friesian horse. Besides, if we can get a resting time then why not our beloved horses!

Moreover, if you follow those tricks and tips, then I can assure you that it will be a lot easier for you to handle and train a friesian horse. So why not give it a try!


In the end, having a beautiful Friesian horse can really brighten up your yard. Aside from that, if we talk about their worldwide popularity and acknowledgement , then we must say that they really have a bright future which is excellent news for any professional or novice riders. But to ensure their future, make sure you maintain every possible way for handling and training them.

And I believe our blog helped you to have a clear understanding about their history, breed characteristics, their  temperament and steps for training a friesian horse.

Please let us know in the comments section if this small effort makes even the slightest difference in considering them as your companion.

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